2. Install Raspbian.
3. Run
$ sudo raspi-configto turn on the camera module
4. Follow the instruction here to compile and install opencv.
5. Install the UV4L driver to make /dev/video0 available as a virtual device to your pi cam.
6. Reconfig the U4L driver so that there is no annoying preview coming up.
$ sudo pkill uv4l $ sudo uv4l --driver raspicam --auto-video_nr --width 640 --height 480 --encoding jpeg --nopreview
7. Download
$ startx $ cd opencv_smallfry $ python facerec_online.py your_folder_to_store_training_pics /usr/local/share/OpenCV/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml9. Enjoy!
Part 8 says enter startx. This will destroy the passwords in Raspbian Jessie and make your SDcard unusable. I have now done this twice while following the tutorial. Back to square one.
@Sarah Thanks for the compliment.
@Dave, I have not tested it in Jessie. I will give it try again and let you know.
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